I've two cards to share - both using an old SU stamp set, three trees. I bought mine on ebay from the US - I was looking for a nice stamp of tree trunks - and loved the sentiment that came with this set. Funnily enough elder daughter spent a year in New Hampshire as part of her university course, and had just returned home when I bought it from someone who was living about 10 miles away from her!
In both, I've stuck to a simple design just using the trees and the sentiment from that set. The trees are cut on a bit of the same card stuck down with a matt to match the ink - possibly the use of the ribbon makes it slightly outside the scope of less is more! But sometimes, as my youngest daughter would agree, you just need a ribbon and a bow to add that final touch!
I did the same sort of thing in green and blues (because I liked the colours and the sentiment) - one of my friends has a birthday next week, and I'm giving her a stash of cards, some of which could be used for a variety of occasions.
Photographing my cards reminded me, I've still photos from our holiday and our trip to Cornwall to take youngest daughter to Uni still on my camera - whoops, must do something with them!